Objective: To explore the compliance of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) for allergic rhinitis (AR) in real life.
Method: Two hundred and thirty AR patients sensitive to house dust mites were divided into general treatment group and intervention treatment group. Both groups followed a SLIT schedule once daily. The general treatment group was in accordance with the normal clinical procedure. The intervention treatment group was given a systemic patient management including patients education of AR, common problems of SLIT in real life, regular telephone interviews and feedback, termly physician-patient communication. The compliance of the two groups was recorded and analyzed.
Result: Dropouts in the first year were 47 (45.19%) of the general treatment group and 23 (18.25%) of the intervention treatment group respectively. More than half dropouts were happened at the first two months. Three major reasons of dropouts were no improvement of symptoms, no further consultation because of too far away or too busy and side effects. The occurrence of omission during SLIT was more frequently in general treatment group than intervention treatment group. Three major reasons of omission were forgetting, cold or cough, using up of the SLIT reagent before next consultation.
Conclusion: Percentage of dropouts and omission in normal SLIT patients was comparatively high, which can be significantly improved by systemic patient managements.