A detailed analysis of two essential oils from individual plants of Mentha suaveolens ssp. suaveolens growing wild in Corsica was carried out by combination of GC(RI), GC/MS, and (13)C-NMR analyses. One oil sample is characterized by the pre-eminence of piperitenone oxide, and the second is dominated by piperitenone. In contrast, it was reported that the essential oil of M. suaveolens ssp. insularis, an endemic species to Corsica and Sardinia, contained pulegone and cis-cis-p-menthenolide as main components. A principal-component analysis (PCA) carried out on the composition of the essential oil of 59 individual plants of M. suaveolens sp. allowed the classification into three well-defined groups. All the oil samples from Mentha suaveolens ssp. insularis belonged to the same group, while the oils from M. suaveolens ssp. suaveolens were distributed in the two other groups. The composition of the essential oil isolated from aerial parts of M. suaveolens ssp. has been shown to be an additional tool to differentiate the botanically close subspecies suaveolens and insularis.