Namibia: an example of international cooperation in the study of emerging diseases

Vet Ital. 2009 Apr-Jun;45(2):243-8, 249-53.
[Article in English, Italian]


The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise 'G. Caporale' (IZS A&M) has been engaged for many years in research and studies designed to increase knowledge and expertise when dealing with 'exotic diseases' namely, those diseases which are not present in a country. To achieve these objectives, it is important to create cooperation networks with laboratories and research organisations at national and international levels. The relationship between the IZS A&M with Namibia in particular and, more recently with Botswana, are proving to be very valuable to mutual technical/scientific growth. In 2005, the National Reference Centre for the Study of Exotic Diseases set up its own Virology Laboratory at the Windhoek Central Veterinary Laboratory where the Namibian and IZS A&M personnel, working towards common goals, share diagnostic responsibilities and scientific research. The authors describe the activities involved in this joint project.