Introduction: We present a reconstruction technique for atrophied maxilla which combines a Le Fort I osteotomy and calvarial bone grafting. This retrospective study was carried out to evaluate bone volume increase and the possibility to insert dental implants.
Patients and methods: Bone volume increase was assessed in 56 patients using preoperative and 6-month postoperative computed axial tomography (CAT). The implant rate success and the type of prosthesis were evaluated.
Results: The average increase at the first molar level was 10.2mm vertically and 8.2mm transversally. No infection was reported. The implant success rate was 97.9% and a prosthetic rehabilitation was performed in all patients (55% with removable bar-supported prostheses, and 45% with fixed prostheses).
Discussion: The technique is adapted to atrophied maxilla reconstruction for dental implant rehabilitation. The implant success rate was similar to that of other bone augmentation techniques.