In recent years, the number of reports of suspicions of occupational diseases, received by the public statutory employer's liability insurance bodies, has remained constant. The recognition of occupational diseases under number 5101 BKV, however, has decreased considerably. This is more than likely due to improved prevention management concepts by the public statutory employer's liability insurance bodies. Nevertheless there are still severe occupational skin diseases that are resistant to or relapse under therapy, thus threatening discontinuation of the occupation. For these cases, an interdisciplinary inpatient treatment as a tertiary individual prevention measure was introduced. This consists of a three-week inpatient period followed by a three-week outpatient sick leave for further stabilization of the skin condition. During the inpatient stay intensive dermatological diagnosis and treatment are accompanied by in-depth health education seminars and psychological interventions. The selection of individually suitable skin protection measures and their practical trial in a workplace simulation model with an ergotherapist are of particular importance. Evaluations of this program showed that two-thirds of the participants with the defined risk of having to give up their occupation were able to continue with their occupation on a long-term basis.