Saccharophagus degradans is a potent degrader of marine and plant cell wall polysaccharides. In particular, it is capable of degrading and metabolizing agarose that is the main component of marine red algae. To understand its degradation and metabolism of agarose along with the agarase expression profile, S. degradans was grown using different carbon sources including galactose, agarose, glucose and cellulose. The metabolite profiling was conducted by using GC-TOF MS and in-house programmed database, BinBase. When the metabolite profiles of cells on galactose and agarose were compared, principal component analysis of 133 identified metabolites revealed clear separations between the groups on galactose and agarose. S. degradans grown on agarose was found to use different carbon catabolic pathways from that grown on other carbon sources. The metabolite profile of cells grown using galactose had increased abundances of glycerol, glycerol derivatives and fatty acids. The use of polysaccharides such as agarose or cellulose led to the increased abundances of amino acids and intermediates of nucleotide biosynthesis.
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