Acceptance of prostate cancer as an endemic disease was the basis for the decision reached by the guideline committee to devote a chapter to the topic of risks and prevention of prostate cancer. Analysis of the substantial data regarding these subjects, however, shows that a number of apparently accepted risk factors and recommendations for prevention do not withstand subtle assessment. For this reason, only information concerning the risk factors of age and genetic predisposition is obtained from men. While the role of nutrition in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer remains beyond dispute, data on individual food items are very contradictory. Positive results of interventional studies are not available. Thus, the committee issued general recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle which also include other malignant tumors and the risk for cardiovascular disease. New findings of prospective studies on chemoprevention were incorporated into a statement. Since 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors have not yet been approved for prevention of prostate cancer, no recommendation was given.