Many arylamine and hydrazine drugs and xenobiotics are acetylated by N-acetyltransferase (NAT), a cytosolic enzymic activity which has a wide tissue distribution. Humans can be classified as either fast or slow acetylators on the basis of their ability to metabolise isoniazid or sulphamethazine. These are termed polymorphic substrates. The acetylation of other compounds does not vary amongst individuals, e.g., p-aminobenzoic acid, and are termed monomorphic substrates. NAT from human hepatic and non-hepatic tissues, viz., (i) liver, (ii) the hepatoma cell line HepG2, (iii) tonsil lymphocytes and (iv) the monocytic cell line U937 have been compared with respect to substrate specificity towards polymorphic and monomorphic substrates. The chromatographic and centrifugation behaviour of NAT from these sources has also been investigated. NAT from liver shows 2-fold greater activity towards sulphamethazine than towards p-aminobenzoic acid as substrate. All other cell types tested show at least 70-fold greater activity with p-aminobenzoic as substrate compared to sulphamethazine. NAT from HepG2 cells, U937 cells and tonsil lymphocytes migrates as a single peak during ion-exchange chromatography, whereas the liver NAT activity is separated into two peaks. NAT in HepG2 cells resembles extra-hepatic tissue NAT rather than NAT in liver. HepG2 cells do not therefore represent a good in vitro model for investigation of human metabolism of arylamines or hydrazines. The molecular weight of NAT from U937 cells has been determined by a combination of sucrose density gradient centrifugation and gel filtration to be 31,600 +/- 1200 daltons.