Right-sided extracardiac conduits are frequently complicated by obstruction over time. We compared the utility of two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of postoperative right-sided obstruction with cardiac catheterization and angiography in 10 patients with xenograft or homograft conduits. Correlation (r = 0.95) between continuous-wave Doppler estimates and catheter pullback pressure gradients across the conduits was excellent. Echocardiography could only visualize five of 10 conduits in their entirety. Magnetic resonance imaging visualized all conduits and showed statistically significant (kappa = 0.58) agreement with angiography in the localization and estimation of severity of a variety of right-sided obstructions in these patients. However, flow voids created by the metallic ring around xenograft valves led to a false negative diagnosis of valvular stenosis in four patients when magnetic resonance imaging was used alone. Doppler studies correctly indicated obstruction in these patients. The combination of magnetic resonance imaging studies and continuous-wave Doppler echocardiography can be useful to noninvasively evaluate right-sided obstruction in postoperative patients with right-sided extracardiac conduits.