This 1988 retrospective study examined the medical school curricula followed by students from two classes using two curricular styles at one medical school. By consulting school records, the authors ascertained the courses actually taken, the number of weeks that students actually devoted to them, and the sequence of courses, both for those students following an independent-study curriculum and for those following a traditional one. These data were compared with the corresponding data concerning the traditional curriculum requirements to determine whether the curricula the students actually followed, in either style, showed any marked difference from the required curriculum. The findings showed that the curricula followed by the independent-study students deviated considerably from both the requirements of the traditional curriculum and also the actual curricula followed by the students using the traditional curriculum, who almost never chose to deviate from the requirements. The independent-study students showed considerable intragroup variation in the ways they organized their curricula, most commonly in eliminating selected formal clerkship or specialty medicine courses, or altering the duration of clerkships. Elective coursework was substituted for formal clerkship experiences in the majority of cases where clerkship courses were eliminated.