Study objectives: To determine the current ingestants found in the multiply injured trauma patient and to determine if this select group of ingestants affected the resuscitation, evaluation, or convalescent management of these patients.
Design: A one-year retrospective analysis was performed on all patients who were admitted to an urban trauma center with a discharge diagnosis of multiple trauma and who received a comprehensive toxicology screening test.
Main results: One hundred twenty-seven of the 177 patients (72%) who fulfilled the criteria had positive toxicology screens. Ethyl alcohol was the only drug present in 26 of these patients (20%); 57 (45%) were positive for drugs other than ethyl alcohol. A combination of ethyl alcohol and at least one other drug was quantified in 44 patients (35%). The most often encountered substances were ethyl alcohol (55%), marijuana (24%), and cocaine (21%). Twelve drug screens (9%) demonstrated pharmaceuticals (eg, acetylsalicylic acid, acetaminophen, or cyclic antidepressants) that may require specific antidotal treatment.
Conclusion: The ingestant profile found in this subgroup of trauma patients differed from those of previous studies. Although a select group of these ingestants requires specific treatment or affects the physical assessment of the patient, none of these trauma patients received more than supportive care.