The neuronal network controlling feeding behavior in the CNS of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis has been extensively investigated using intracellular microelectrodes. Using microelectrodes however it has not been possible to record from large numbers of neurons simultaneously and therefore little is known about the population coding properties of the feeding network. Neither can the relationships between feeding and neuronal networks controlling other behaviors be easily analyzed with microelectrodes. Here we describe a multielectrode array (MEA) technique for recording action potentials simultaneously from up to 60 electrodes on the intact CNS. The preparation consists of the whole CNS connected by sensory nerves to the chemosensory epithelia of the lip and esophagus. From the buccal ganglia, the region of the CNS containing the feeding central pattern generator (CPG), a rhythmic pattern of activity characteristic of feeding was readily induced either by depolarizing an identified feeding-command neuron (the CV1a) or by perfusing the chemosensory epithelia with sucrose, a gustatory stimulus known to activate feeding. Activity induced by sucrose is not restricted to the buccal ganglia but is distributed widely throughout the CNS, notably in ganglia controlling locomotion, a behavior that must be coordinated with feeding. The MEA also enabled us to record electrophysiological consequences of the associative conditioning of feeding behavior. The results suggest that MEA recording from an intact CNS enables distributed, multiple-source neural activity to be analyzed in the context of biologically relevant behavior, behavioral coordination and behavioral plasticity.
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