We studied the relationship between spermogram parameters and biochemical elements in seminal plasma. In this way we searched an association between immunoglobulin levels in seminal plasma and spermogram parameters. The spermogram is usually performed in our laboratory for investigation of infertility. Using immunonephelometry, we measured immunoglobulin (Ig) G and A levels in the seminal plasma of 17 patients. Averages levels of IgG and IgA were 83.3 and 33.6 mg/L, respectively. IgG and IgA levels appeared to be significantly different (p = 0.001), and were significantly associated. A correlation between IgG values and coiled tails percentage was noted in patients having IgA below 20 mg/L (p < 0,001). In conclusion, the measurement of IgG and IgA levels in seminal plasma might constitute a valuable diagnosis tool for the evaluation of infertility.