The present study was conducted to quantify in vitro gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release parameters in the male marmoset. We established primary cultures of marmoset hypothalamic tissues for approximately 2 days (marmosets) to assess GnRH release profiles in vitro in hypothalamic explants from testis-intact and gonadectomized males. Pulsatile GnRH release profiles were readily demonstrated from in vitro hypothalamic explants isolated from adult male marmoset monkeys. Gonadectomy of male marmosets resulted in elevated mean GnRH and pulse amplitude from hypothalamic explants on the 1st day of culture (day 0). GnRH pulse amplitude increased by day 2 in approximately 67% of hypothalamic explants from testis-intact marmosets, suggesting release from an endogenous regulator of GnRH. We also measured GnRH release profiles in vitro in hypothalamic explants from testis-intact and gonadectomized rats. Male rats showed no changes in any concentration or frequency release parameters for GnRH following gonadectomy or during successive days in culture. The present study represents a unique examination of GnRH release from male marmoset monkey hypothalamic tissue and compares release dynamics directly with those obtained from male rat, suggesting a species difference in feedback regulation of GnRH release.