Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most important cause of sudden cardiac death. While traditionally thought to result from random activation of the ventricles by multiple independent wavelets, recent evidence suggests that VF may be determined by the sustained activation of a relatively small number of reentrant sources. In addition, recent experimental data in various species as well as computer simulations have provided important clues about its ionic and molecular mechanisms, particularly in regards to the role of potassium currents in such mechanisms. The results strongly argue that the inward rectifier current, I(K1,) is an important current during functional reentry because it mediates the electrotonic interactions between the unexcited core and its immediate surroundings. In addition, I(K1) is a stabilizer of reentry due to its ability to shorten action potential duration and reduce conduction velocity near the center of rotation. Increased I(K1) prevents wave front-wave tail interactions and thus averts rotor destabilization and breakup. Other studies have shown that while the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current I(Ks) does not significantly modify rotor frequency or stability, it plays a major role in postrepolarization refractoriness and wave break formation. Therefore, the interplay between I(K1) and the rapid sodium inward current (I(Na)) is a major factor in the control of cardiac excitability and thus the stability and frequency of reentry, while I(Ks) is an important determinant of fibrillatory conduction.