Objective: To identificate and compare constituents in the HPLC fingerprint of five Chinese herbal pieces from Radix et Rhizoma Rhei.
Method: HPLC analysis was carried out with methyl alcohol 1% glacial acetic acid as gradient elution, changes in five Chinese herbal pieces and medicinal material under 280 nm and 430 nm were compared.
Result: HPLC fingerprints of the no-parched pieces, the liquor and the vinegar roasts pieces were similar, 24 peaks were identified under 280 nm 19 or 22 peaks could be indicated in the braising with liquor and the charring respectively. Under 430 nm, 8 peaks were identified except the braising with liquor.
Conclusion: HPLC fingerprints of the no-parched pieces, the liquor and the vinegar roasts pieces are similar while the changes on chemical composition and the content in braising with liquor and the charring are remarkable.