Human tissues for implants are a biomedical product that is being used more frequently by many medical disciplines. There are infections in the patients related to the implanted tissues. The early detection of infections transmitted by blood and the microbiological study of tissues before their clinical use are strategies in tissue banks to prevent these situations. This work sought to contribute to establish the bases for the operation of a laboratory applied to the microbiological quality control of tissues. Based on classical microbiological principles, we defined the operation of microbiological control and tissues sterilization since 2003. We determine lists of acceptable microorganisms for every tissue, criteria for the interpretation of results, and a diagnostic algorithm of microbiological quality. We observed that the circumstances of donor death can be a determinant of the quality. The environment and the operator should be investigated as probable sources of contamination in outbreaks. The criteria of work based on a solid methodology must help to avoid the transmission of infections between donor and recipient. This is a critical point in the quality management of a tissue bank.