Objective: To assess the risk of tracheal intubation at birth in very premature neonates related to the type of maternal anesthesia in case of elective cesarean.
Population and methods: All 219 live-born very premature neonates (28-32 weeks of gestation), delivered after an elective cesarean in the 27 maternity wards of 2 French semi-rural neonatal networks. Eighty-three percent (182/219) were delivered in level III maternity wards in university hospitals.
Results: Of the very preterm neonates, 33.3% (73/219) were intubated in the delivery room, either for respiratory distress syndrome or a low APGAR score. Very preterm neonates delivered after maternal general anesthesia were more often intubated than those delivered after spinal anesthesia (48.7% vs 25.2%; OR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.8-5.1). The risk of intubation related to maternal general anesthesia remained statistically significant after an adjustment for gestational age, fetal growth retardation, respiratory distress syndrome, type of maternity ward, and a propensity score that took into account maternal sociodemographic characteristics and the causes of very preterm birth (aOR: 3.4; 95% CI: 1.4-8.2). The risk of intubation related to general anesthesia was lower after adjusting for the 5-min APGAR score (aOR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.0-7.3).
Conclusion: Very preterm neonates delivered after cesarean with general anesthesia require tracheal intubation in the delivery room more often than those delivered with spinal anesthesia. This study cannot assess a causal link between anesthesia and the need for neonatal intubation. However, neonatologists have to be aware of the type of maternal anesthesia because it may interfere with the non-invasive ventilation support policy of the very preterm neonate.