The warm temperature acclimation protein Wap65 has been shown to be involved in temperature acclimation, in immune response as well as in development. In teleosts, two types of Wap65 proteins, Wap65-1 and Wap65-2 are found, both acting as a multifunctional agent in several biological processes. In the present study we identified both transcripts Wap65-1 and Wap65-2 for the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), examined their evolutionary rate and performed selection tests. The two paralogues were shown to be under moderate positive selection indicating their evolutionary adaptation. This functional diversification was further explored through expression studies. Both transcripts were differentially expressed during development as well as in various tissues and pathogen challenges, showing that Wap65-1 and Wap65-2 have evolved diverse functions. These results direct to the hypothesis that Wap65 proteins may, similarly to heat-shock proteins, have a general role in cell physiology.
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