High-frequency transvaginal probes were used at 20-40 weeks' gestation to develop a systematic examination of the fetal brain. Modeling the procedure after the standard neonatal neurosonographic examination, we attempted to obtain three coronal sections (anterior, midline, posterior) and two sagittal sections (midsagittal, right or left parasagittal). In 70 normal patients, all planes were imaged with a similar frequency (74-76%) except for the posterior coronal plane, which was imaged 59% of the time. Among the first 35 cases, 17% had a complete study, compared with 71% of the second 35 cases. Transvaginal sonography established or changed the diagnosis in five of the 13 cases with central nervous system or other abnormalities. We recommend that a complete fetal neurosonographic examination include transvaginal sonography to complement and enhance the transabdominal examination, especially for cases in which a fetal abnormality is suspected.