Background: Few longitudinal studies have examined the adoption of bans on smoking in private homes.
Purpose: This longitudinal study examined: (1) the prevalence of home smoking bans at baseline, (2) the incidence and predictors of new ban implementation by follow-up, and (3) the reasons for banning smoking and the difficulties with enforcement.
Methods: The sample consisted of 1360 adults of Korean descent residing in California who were interviewed by telephone (in English/Korean) at baseline during 2001-2002 and re-interviewed in 2006-2007. Data analyses were conducted in 2007-2008.
Results: The proportion of respondents with a complete household smoking ban grew from 59% at baseline to 91% by the follow-up interview. Among the 552 respondents who did not have a ban at baseline, 84% had adopted a ban by follow-up. Three baseline factors independently predicted ban adoption during the follow-up period: the presence of a nonsmoking respondent or spouse, the presence of nonsmoking family members, and respondent's belief that secondhand smoke caused lung cancer. The most highly rated reasons for banning smoking were as follows: because smoke annoys others, to protect family members, to avoid the odor, to discourage youth from smoking, and to encourage smokers to quit. Finally, respondents indicated that they would find it most difficult to ask their parent-in-law not to smoke.
Conclusions: The proportion of households with smoking bans increased substantially, but households with smokers or family members who smoke remained less likely to implement bans. The importance of culturally sensitive programs to promote household bans cannot be overstated.