QuickQuan is an integrated software package for Thermo Scientific triple quadrupole mass spectrometers that allows users to automate routine operations ranging from method development to data processing. QuickQuan automated optimization of compound-selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions by evaluating both positive and negative polarities during an infusion. Whichever mode produces the most intense Q1 scan is then carried to product ion spectra. QuickQuan then writes these SRM methods to a shared network database. The total volume of compound needed is 100 microL infused over approximately 1.6 min. The auto-optimization is carried out in 96-well plates and does not require an operator present. The SRM database was shared between two identical TSQ Quantum mass spectrometers. For data acquisition, QuickQuan automatically created a sequence file complete with a data processing method pre-populated with compound IDs and corresponding SRM transitions. To increase throughput we coupled each Finnigan Quantum with ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography (uHPLC) accomplished using 4x Ultra Flux quaternary pumps that were designed to handle pressures up to 15 000 psi. The total run time for all analyses was 1.2 min using BEH 1.7 microm particle C18 columns. Further time reductions were realized with sample preparation accomplished using Strata Impact protein precipitation plates which provided an in-well protein crash and 0.20 micron filtering in a one-step process. Pharmacokinetic data turnaround time was significantly improved by combining these three techniques of automated method development with the speed efficiency of uHPLC and a single step in well sample preparation.
Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.