Measurement of the ratio of the numu charged-current single-pion production to quasielastic scattering with a 0.8 GeV neutrino beam on mineral oil

Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Aug 21;103(8):081801. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.081801. Epub 2009 Aug 17.


Using high statistics samples of charged-current numu interactions, the MiniBooNE [corrected] Collaboration reports a measurement of the single-charged-pion production to quasielastic cross section ratio on mineral oil (CH2), both with and without corrections for hadron reinteractions in the target nucleus. The result is provided as a function of neutrino energy in the range 0.4 GeV<Enu<2.4 GeV with 11% precision in the region of highest statistics. The results are consistent with previous measurements and the prediction from historical neutrino calculations.