The forces responsible for bond-strengthening in initial oral bacterial adhesion are unknown. Since Lifshitz-Van der Waals and electrostatic forces work instantaneously upon approach, it is hypothesized that bond-strengthening is governed by hydrogen bonding. Poisson analysis of adhesion forces observed during the retraction of bacterial probes from surfaces in atomic force microscopy can be used to analyze the nature of the adhesion forces. Streptococcal adhesion forces increased from about -0.7 to -10.3 nN when the contact time between cell surfaces and salivary films on enamel was increased from 0 to 120 sec. Initial and final adhesion forces were stronger for initial colonizers of tooth surfaces (S. mitis, S. sanguinis) than for later, more cariogenic, strains (S. sobrinus, S. mutans). Retraction curves after increased contact times showed minor peaks, representative of hydrogen bonds, and Poisson analyses indicated repulsive non-specific forces of around +0.3 nN and slightly more attractive hydrogen-bonding forces (-1.0 nN) for initial than for late colonizers (-0.8 nN).