Curdlan from Agrobacterium sp. was oxidized using 2,2,6,6,-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical (TEMPO)-NaBr-NaClO systems at pH 11. The effects of oxidation conditions on degrees of oxidation and polymerization of the products obtained were studied using SEC-MALLS, NMR and IR analyses. Different families of water-soluble beta-(1,3)-polyglucuronic and beta-(1,3)-polyglucoglucuronic acid sodium salts were quantitatively generated with a yield of 80% and without significant loss of their molecular weights. Given that beta-(1,3)-polyglucuronic acids prepared from the regioselective oxidation of curdlan by the TEMPO-NaBr-NaClO systems regularly consist of the glucuronic acid repeating unit; they may open new biotechnological fields for the utilizations of water soluble forms of curdlan.