Objectives: To analyze the mechanical failures and malfunctions of the da Vinci Surgical (S) System during various robotic surgeries in 6 different departments at our institute and also evaluated the solutions for the failures and malfunctions.
Methods: From July 2005 to December 2008, a total of 1797 robotic surgeries were performed at our institute. The surgeries were performed using 4 da Vinci surgical systems (1 standard da Vinci system from July 2005 to July 2007 and 3 da Vinci S systems from July 2007 to December 2008). Mechanical failures or malfunctions occurred in 43 cases. We evaluated the robotic surgeries according to the type of surgery and the department. We analyzed the cases involving conversion to open or laparoscopic surgeries and those in which there was a malfunction with the instrument.
Results: There were 43 cases (2.4%) of mechanical failure with the da Vinci system from a total of 1797 robotic surgeries. This included 24 (1.3%) cases of mechanical failure or malfunction and 19 cases (1.1%) of instrument malfunction. The mechanical malfunction included 1 on/off failure, 5 console malfunctions, 6 robotic arm malfunctions, 2 optic system malfunctions, and 10 system errors. One open and 2 laparoscopic conversions (3 cases; 0.17%) were performed.
Conclusions: Mechanical failure or malfunction occurred during robotic surgery in 43 cases (2.4%), and the open or laparoscopic conversion rate during surgery was very low (0.17%). We found the mechanical failure or malfunction to be rare.