Sequences of pilin genes from four strains of serogroup B of the ovine pathogen Bacteroides nodosus have been determined. These sequences permit comparisons of amino acid sequence between pilins from different subtypes (B1, B2, B3, B4) of the B serogroup and assessment of intraserogroup variation. Pili of B. nodosus strains 234 (B1) and 183 (B2) were produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa harboring a plasmid-borne B. nodosus pilin gene, and these pili were used in sheep vaccination trials. Pili from strain 183 (B2) were found to be a senior antigen to pili from strains of other B subtypes, providing protection against footrot infection caused by strains of the other B subtypes. Pili of this strain are therefore the most suitable candidate for inclusion in a pilus-based vaccine. Pili of strain 234 from subtype B1, the reference strain of the B serogroup, provided poor protection against infection with other subtypes.