The efficacy of Schwann-cell cultivation can be enhanced by in vitro predegeneration of the harvested cells compared to immediate culture. The aim of this study was to improve Schwann-cell culture efficacy by comparing three different durations of predegeneration. The sciatic and median nerves of 6-8-week-old Lewis rats were harvested and subjected to either 2-day, 7-day, or 14-day predegeneration in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin. Afterward, tissue was enzymatically dissociated and placed in a modified melanocyte growth medium. The cell count was determined immediately after dissociation while the cell purity was determined one subculture/trypsinization cycle later after cell attachment to the culture plate by means of optical microscopy and immunocytochemistry. Particular attention was then paid to the Schwann-cell-to-fibroblast relation. The cumulative cell count in the culture was 5.8 x 10(5) for 2-day, 1.12 x 10(6) for 7-day, and 1.48 x 10(6) for 14-day predegeneration. The culture purity was approximately equal for 2- and 7-day predegeneration (88% Schwann cells, 12% fibroblasts after 2 days; 85% Schwann cells, 15% fibroblasts after 7 days). After 14 days, however, cell cultures were significantly debased by fibroblast proliferation (57% Schwann cells, 43% fibroblasts). In vitro predegeneration is a particularly suitable procedural method to increase the cultural Schwann-cell yield. The number of cultivated rat Schwann cells is doubled by 7-day in vitro predegeneration in comparison to 2-day predegeneration. After 14-day predegeneration, however, the culture is significantly debased by fibroblasts. Therefore, 7-day in vitro predegeneration is an advisable predegeneration period.