The purpose of the study was to determine if radical abdominal trachelectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy could be a method for treatment of early cervical cancer to preserve fertility. We examined 12 patients who were surgically treated from 2002 to 2006. The diagnostic method to determine cervical cancer was histologic examination by cone or biopsy. The histologic condition was well differented planocellular carcinoma. Two of the patients had Stage Ia1, seven had Ia2, and three had Ib1. We performed radical abdominal trachelectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. Resection edges were pathohistologically analyzed extemporaneously, as well as selective lymph nodes. According to the extempore analysis we determined if radical trachelectomy should be done. In one patient resection edges were positive, so she underwent radical hysterectomy. Postoperatively we found a positive lymph node in one patient, so radiation therapy was continued. In the two-year follow-up period we did not find any signs of residual cancer. We concluded that radical trachelectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy could be an appropriate method for treatment of early-stage cervical cancer.