Bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) is sometimes associated with hydrothorax and hydrops in utero. In the absence of fetal hydrops, perinatal outcome is favorable and justifies expectant management. In the presence of fetal hydrops, perinatal outcome is reported to be extremely poor and intervention should be considered. Therapeutic options include open fetal surgery, minimally invasive coagulation of the blood supply and thoracoamniotic shunting. We present the first case of fetal hydrops and a large hydrothorax due to BPS treated successfully with one ultrasound-guided thin needle insertion, through which both laser coagulation of the feeding artery and drainage of the hydrothorax were performed. Following the procedure the hydrothorax and hydrops gradually disappeared and the BPS diminished in size. A healthy neonate was delivered uneventfully at term. We describe the case and discuss the different therapeutic options.