The central nervous system was examined in 135 adult AIDS patients who died between August 1982 and December 1990. Twenty two brains showed non-diagnostic changes including microglial nodules, discrete myelin pallor with reactive astrocytosis, mineralization of blood vessels and granular ependymitis. In 105 brains with specific changes, toxoplasmosis was the most frequent finding (55 cases) manifested by multifocal necrotic lesions or diffuse pseudo-encephalitic process. Other opportunists included cytomegalovirus (21 case), progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (1 cases), cryptococcosis (6 cases), mycobacterium avium intracellulaire (2 cases), varicella-zoster virus (2 cases), aspergillosis (1 case) and multiple bacterial microabscesses (1 case). Multinucleated giant cells were found in 52 cases. In 40 cases, they were widely disseminated throughout the brain and in 39 cases, they were associated with diffuse or multifocal white matter changes. Fifteen cases had a cerebral lymphoma, 9 hepatic encephalopathy, 1 centropontine myelinolysis and 1 focal pontine leukoencephalopathy. Three cases had a cerebral haemorrhage due to disseminated intravascular coagulation, antithrombin therapy and amyloid angiopathy. Spinal changes in 13 cases included vacuolar myelopathy (7 cases), HIV myelitis (1 case) and ganglio-radiculitis (1 cases), cytomegalovirus myelo-radiculitis (1 case) secondary spread from a lymphoma (1 case) and spinal infarcts due to disseminated intravascular coagulation (1 case). These lesions were frequently atypical and various combinations of all these pathologies were encountered in the same brain, sometimes in the same area and occasionally in the same cell. Chronological variations in the incidence of some complications could be related to changes in treatment.