Purpose: To examine the educational value of URO Mentor, a virtual reality simulator for endourologic procedures, by establishing its face and content validity.
Materials and methods: Eighty-nine urologists and residents in urology performed a urethrocystoscopy task (bladder inspection, biopsy, and coagulation) or a ureterorenoscopy task (manipulation of a distal ureter stone) using the URO Mentor. They completed an evaluation questionnaire about these tasks. Questionnaire bias related to task performance on URO Mentor was analyzed as well (Hawthorne effect).
Results: The overall rating of the URO Mentor was 7.3 on a 10-point scale (1 = poor, 10 = excellent). Regression analysis showed that ratings were not related to previous experience or task performance using the URO Mentor. Of all subjects, 25% rated the realism of URO Mentor as >or=3.5 on a five-point scale, and 82% rated its usefulness as an educational tool as >or=3.5 on a five-point scale. More than 73% of all participants said they would purchase a URO Mentor if financial means were available; participants who needed more time to complete the task were less positive in their answers to this question.
Conclusions: URO Mentor appears to be a realistic and useful training model for endourologic procedures.