We determine group index and group velocity dispersion (GVD) of SOI single-mode strip waveguides (photonic wires) with 525x226nm cross-section over the entire telecommunication bandwidth by employing an integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The measured GVD yields 4400 ps/(nm*km) at 1550 nm and exceeds that of standard single-mode fibers by almost three orders of magnitude. In the photonic wires the GVD is mainly determined by strong light confinement rather than by material dispersion. Our results indicate that despite this high GVD, dispersion-induced signal impairment is negligible in photonic circuits for data rates up to 100-Gb/s and total waveguide lengths as long as about 1 meter. The measured group index and GVD are used as benchmarks to compare model calculations originating from four different theoretical methods.