To improve cure rates of locally invasive bladder cancer patients, we have performed radiation therapy prior to radical cystectomy in 88 patients since 1980. Until 1984, a total dose of 40 Gy for 4 weeks had been irradiated to the pelvic cavity of 46 patients, while 24 Gy with or without hyperthermia for 2 weeks has been applied to 42 patients since 1985. The treatment efficacy was assessed histopathologically according to the evaluation system proposed by Shimosato et al. in 1971. Approximately 50% of the patients responded well to this preoperative therapy. Among these patients, those with pT3 lesion showed significantly favorable prognoses as compared with the same stage patients who did not respond to the radiation therapy. However, the survival rates of the other pT stage patients did not correlate with the responsiveness to radiation. These results suggest that pT3 stage patients are the best candidates for preoperative radiation therapy, while radical cystectomy alone is adequate for those with superficially invasive lesions. Systemic chemotherapy should be properly built into the treatment strategy for those with locally far-advanced bladder cancer.