In everyday practice, the radiologist is concerned with the diagnosis of inflammatory conditions of the nose and paranasal sinuses. This paper was aimed at evaluating and comparing the diagnostic efficacy of the main diagnostic imaging procedures currently available. Fifty-six patients were studied: 25 with computed radiography (CR) and CT, 21 with CR and MRI (0.22 T resistive magnet), and 10 with CR, CT, and MRI. From the diagnostic point of view, the conventional-like CR image was assumed as analog to the conventional radiographic (RX) one on the basis of previous personal experience. The following elements were separately considered for RX, CR, CT, and MRI: anatomical structure identificability, spatial resolution, dosimetry, time consumption, diagnostic results, and economics. A global performance index was calculated (RX less than 1; CR = 1; MRI ranging 1.2-2.2; CT = 7.3). CR was superior to RX, from both a diagnostic and a dosimetric point of view, but buying the equipment is nowadays expensive. CT and MRI were superior to both RX and CR in the diagnosis of inflammatory conditions of the nose and paranasal sinuses. When an inflammatory condition is unquestionable, MRI is more accurate than CT, but the latter (thanks to its optimal documentation of both bony walls and soft tissues) is superior to MRI in the differential diagnosis of a generic disease of the nose and paranasal sinuses--that is, when the inflammatory nature is questionable. MRI limitations were poor visualization of bone walls, high cost, and poor access. Thus, CT emerged as the technique of choice, thanks to its diagnostic results, easy access and low cost, with a negligible radiation dose to patients.