Aim: The aim of the study is to show the relationship existing between tissular Doppler imaging (TDI) parameters and functional capacity in highly trained subjects.
Methods and patients: We therefore studied 46 patients including 22 untrained and 24 trained subjects. Each subject had pulsed TDI recording of systolic (S) and diastolic (E and A) longitudinal myocardial velocities in the basal portion of the RV free wall (RV), the septum (sep) and the LV free wall (LV) from apical 4C view. Athletes underwent the same day a cardiopulmonary test during which we measured peak V(O)2 (ml/kg/min) and anaerobic threshold (AT, ml/kg/min) and calculated VE/V(CO)2 slope. We studied differences between echocardiographic parameters in the two groups using Student test. Coefficients of correlations were calculated using the Spearman method.
Results: Differences between two groups concerned Tei index of right (RV) and left ventricle (LV), telediastolic diameter of LV, and A waves on each wall. In athletes RV, sep and LV S waves did not correlate with V(O)2, AT or VE/V(CO)2 RV, sep and LV A waves correlated significantly and negatively with V(O)2, RV and sep A waves negatively with AT, and sep and LV A waves positively with VE/V(CO)2.
Conclusion: In athletes, atrial function shows a negative relationship with cardiopulmonary exercise parameters: the lower the proportion of LV filling due to atrial contraction, the better the level of functional capacity. This is probably due to myocardial structure, which allows more efficient early filling in hypertrophic athlete's heart.