Introduction: International guidelines recommend a staging chest X-ray (SCXR) in patients with colorectal cancer to exclude pulmonary metastases. The SCXR is controversial, because evidence to support its use is insufficient. The aim of this study was to determine the value of the SCXR in patients with colorectal cancer.
Patients and methods: Between January 1992 and August 2006, data from all patients with colorectal cancer, who presented to the surgical clinic of the Maasland Hospital, were prospectively collected and analysed. The main outcome was the rate of pulmonary metastases on SCXR. The secondary outcome was the influence of SCXR on patient management.
Results: Out of 1410 patients, 1057 had a chest X-ray before their operation. Median follow-up time was 4 years and 6 months (25th percentile 1 year and 7 months, 75th percentile 6 years and 11 months). Eight patients were excluded because follow-up data were incomplete. In 24 patients the chest X-ray was suggestive of malignancy; 9 of these patients actually had pulmonary metastases. Patient management was changed in 5 of them. Four patients were identified to have primary lung cancer. These data indicate a 0.86% detection rate of pulmonary metastases (confidence interval, 0.3-1.4%).
Discussion: Our results show that SCXR has a low detection rate of pulmonary metastases and a small influence on patient management. In accordance with previous studies our data do not support the routine use of the SCXR in patients with colorectal cancer.