The study had the purpose to outline the profile of parturients and their newborn babies receiving care in a school hospital, based on the Live Birth Information System - Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos - SINASC. For so, a descriptive, exploratory study was elaborated, identifying the characteristics of all the parturients and their newborns receiving care at Hospital Universitário de Maringá - HUM in 2006. It was observed that 27.1% of the parturients were adolescents, 68.4% had no partner, 59.3% lived outside Maringá, and 63.6% had seven or more pre-natal appointments. The ratio of cesarian sections was 50.4%. The newborns, mostly, had good vitality at birth, although 25.5% were preterms and 23.6% had low weight at birth. With the results, it was possible to outline the profile of the parturients and their newborns receiving care at the HUM, show the possibility of using the SINASC as an instrument of health evaluation in tertiary units and propose interventions capable of preventing maternal-child morbimortality.