Available facts on morbidity and mortality due to PEV diseases for children under 5 years come from routine facts in Bamako District. The Present study through population investigation proposed to evaluate indicators. It was about a transversal investigation realised about 1014 children less than 5 year living in Bamako (on October 2000). The selection of children has been made by boring after stratification of the district based on socio-economic level and stabilization of population of different sectors. According to study, the global incidence rate of target patients of PEV is about 4.93% +- 1.33%. These rate were about 4.14% +- 1.22% for measles which is the 1st cause of morbidity among target patients of PEV, 0.69% +- 0.50% for whooping cough, 0.903% +- 0.19 for poliomyelitis and 0% for neo natal tetanus. For tuberculosis of which evolution have been appreciated trough counting of antituberculosis clinic register (DAT) during 10 years (1990-1999), its tendency was increasing. The death rate registered during investigation was related to measles with an estimated rate of 4.93% +- 4.31%. Results analysis, global incidence of PEV target patients was in decrease at Bamako district. At vaccinated patients against measles (64.3%) and whooping cough (57.14%) is in favour for an investigation about effective vaccinal.