We reported the results of 6 allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and 3 autologous BMT for patients with Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1)-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) by Nagoya BMT group. Two of six patients who received allogenic BMT have continued complete remission (CR) on +639 days and +1,597 days. Four of six patients relapsed on +134, +203, +216, and +267 days. Two patients with a disease-free survival for a long time had both acute and chronic GVHD. It is suggested that graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect might prevent the relapse. On the contrary, one patient who received with monoclonal antibodies plus complement-treated autologous bone marrow is free of leukemia on +439 days. Our results suggest the follows. 1) We do chromosomal analysis at initial diagnosis in all cases to do BMT in first CR. 2) We intensify the conditioning regimen for BMT. 3) We study on application of GVL effect to prevent the relapse. 4) We establish the best purging method to eradicate residual leukemic cells for autologous BMT. 5) We do allogenic BMT using HLA-matched unrelated donor for patients without related donor.