Bis (Bcl-2 interacting death suppressor) has been reported to contribute to the differentiation and maturation of specific neuronal populations in the developing rat forebrain, in addition to its well-established functions as a stress or survival-related protein. In the present study, we have analyzed the expression of Bis in the rat brainstem and cervical spinal cord during development by using immunohistochemistry. Bis immunoreactivity was detected in radial glial cells flanking the midline from embryonic day 14. During embryonic and early postnatal development, Bis expression persisted in differentiating radial glia at the midline but disappeared first in the spinal cord by postnatal day 7 (P7) and later also in the brainstem by P14. Bis expression was restricted to a subpopulation of the midline radial glia, i.e., the dorsal midline of the midbrain and spinal cord and the ventral midline of the hindbrain, which were double- or triple-labeled with vimentin and nestin, markers for radial glia, and S100B. However, these markers also labeled all radial glia including the ventral midline glia in the midbrain and spinal cord, with Bis being absent from these structures. In addition, the dorsal midline glia in the midbrain and spinal cord expressed Bis prior to the timing of expression for radial glial markers. Therefore, our results demonstrate the early and transient expression of Bis in the subpopulation of midline glia in the developing brainstem and spinal cord, suggesting that Bis has a unique role in association with the radial glial cells in the developing central nervous system.