Background: Distribution of cytokine gene polymorphisms may vary significantly among different ethnic groups, and eventually contribute to observed differences in disease frequencies.
Objectives: To genotype 22 cytokine polymorphisms in the Macedonian population. The Macedonian population consists of 301 healthy unrelated individuals.
Methods: Blood samples were collected after written consent, DNA was isolated from peripheral blood, and 22 polymorphisms were typed: IL-1alpha -889, IL-1beta -511, IL-1beta +3962, IL-1R psti1970, IL-1RN mspa11100, IL-4Ralpha +1902, IL-12 -1188, IFNgamma utr5644, TGF-beta1 cdn10, TGF-beta1 cdn25, TNF-alpha -308, TNF-alpha -238, IL-2 -330, IL-2 +166, IL-4 -1098, IL-4 -590, IL-4 -33, IL-6 -174, IL-6 565, IL-10 -1082, IL-10 -819, and IL-10 -592. Cytokine genotyping was performed by PCR-SSP (Heidelberg kit). The population genetics analysis package, PyPop, was used for analysis of the cytokine data.
Results: Test of neutrality (Fnd) showed negative value, but was significantly different from 0 for TGF-beta1 1 cdn10 and IFNgamma utr5644 (p of F = 0.001, and 0.012 respectively). Several SNPs (IL-1alpha -889, IL-1beta +3962, IL-2 + 166, IL-4 -1098, IL-4 -590, IL-4 -33, and IL-10 -592) were not in HWP (p 0.005). Test of neutrality for cytokine haplotypes (TGF-beta1, TNFalpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10) showed significantly difference from 0 only for IL-2 haplotypes (p=0.020).
Conclusion: The results of cytokine polymorphisms in Macedonian population can be used for anthropological comparisons, as well as for association studies with different diseases (Tab. 6, Ref. 34). Full Text (Free, PDF) www. bmj. sk.