Quantum phase transitions and continuous observation of spinor dynamics in an antiferromagnetic condensate

Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Mar 27;102(12):125301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.125301. Epub 2009 Mar 23.


Condensates of spin-1 sodium display rich spin dynamics due to the antiferromagnetic nature of the interactions in this system. We use Faraday rotation spectroscopy to make a continuous and minimally destructive measurement of the dynamics over multiple spin oscillations on a single evolving condensate. This method provides a sharp signature to locate a magnetically tuned separatrix in phase space which depends on the net magnetization. We also observe a phase transition from a two- to a three-component condensate at a low but finite temperature using a Stern-Gerlach imaging technique. This transition should be preserved as a zero-temperature quantum phase transition.