A nitrogen ring is present in many biological molecules, which play an important part in cell division as well as in genetic information transfer. It is also a part of the purine system, which builds DNA and has potential places/spots of platinum drug co-ordination. Therefore, it may be hoped, that platinum(II) complexes with diazol ligands will have considerable affinity for DNA binding sites. The work was aimed at assessment of biological activity and especially of cytotoxic activity, of new complex connections of the selected diazols with Pt(II) and Pd(II) ions.
Materials and methods: The MTT test is aimed at the assessment of cytotoxicity of chemical compounds. It consists in the colorimetric determination of a product--farmazon, formed after adding MTT (bromide 3[4,5-dimetylo-2-ilo]-2,5-difenylotetrazolu) to the culture suspension in the presence of the compound subject to the test. All the tested Pt(II) complexes before adding to the cell cultures were dilluted in DMF. MTT tests for individual complexes were conducted on two cell lines L1210 and P388.
Results: Compounds 13, 21 and 25 on P388 neoplastic cell revealed about three times smaller in-vitro cytotoxicity, whereas platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes 13, 21, 25, 43, 46, revealed cytotoxicity being about 3-4 times smaller than the reference cisplatin. Complex 45 revealed eight times smaller activity and complex 44 revealed significantly small, about two hundred smaller activity.
Conclusion: Based on the MTT tests it may be concluded that compounds 13, 21 and 25 reveal selective cytotoxicity to P388 neoplastic cells.