Background: The ability to quantify non-invasively the effect of posture on intracranial physiology by using cine phase-contrast MRI may lead to the development of new diagnostic tests to evaluate such functions as regulation of CBF and ICP, and the effect of pathologies on these functions.
Methods: Results similar to MRI technology can be obtained using non-invasive ultrasonic method (Vittamed) for intracranial blood volume pulse wave (IBVPW) measurement and intracraniospinal compliance (ICC) monitoring.
Findings: IBVPW have been investigated in supine and upright positions of healthy volunteers using Vittamed technology. A group of 13 healthy volunteers (nine females, four males, mean age 25.1 +/- 3.4) was studied. More than 3,000 IBVPW were analysed in order to show the difference of shape and amplitude in supine and upright positions. Averaged shape of ten IBVPW waves was presented in the normalized window with dimensions 1.0 x 1.0.
Conclusions: The results show significant difference between averaged IBVPW shapes in upright (highest intracraniospinal compliance) and supine (lower intracraniospinal compliance) body positions. Body posture caused IBVPW subwave P2 and P3 changes deltaP2 = 18% and deltaP3 = 11%. Amplitude of IBVPW in upright body position was significantly higher than in the supine one. The value of IBVPW amplitude's ratio in supine and upright positions was 1.55 +/- 0.61.