Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess laryngeal function after supracricoid laryngectomy.
Study design: Case series.
Subjects and methods: Supracricoid laryngectomy (SCL) has been performed in our institution for 24 selected patients with laryngeal cancer since December 2000. Reconstruction was performed through cricohyoidoepiglottopexy for 23 patients and cricohyoidopexy for 1 patient. Seven patients had ipsilateral arytenoid removal, and 15 patients underwent SCL as salvage surgery. A retrospective chart review was performed to assess postoperative speech and swallowing function. Stroboscopy and/or fiberscopy of the neoglottis were used to assess postoperative speech kinetics. Acoustic parameters were measured to evaluate vocal function, and several questionnaires were used to evaluate postoperative quality of life (QOL).
Results: In the absence of postoperative complications, stoma closure and normal diet intake were achieved 1 month after surgery. The neoglottis comprises the arytenoid(s), epiglottis, and pyriform sinus mucosa. Several different combinations of vibrating regions were observed among patients during phonation. Although vocalization sounded rough and breathy, vocal communication was possible with little inconvenience.
Conclusion: Acceptable functional recovery and tolerable QOL can be achieved after SCL.