Out of 96 patients with the diagnosis of primary esophageal motor disorders and treated by esophagomyotomy, a group of 9 patients is reported in whom reoperation was necessary because of persistence or worsening of the previous symptoms (8 patients) or persistent reflux esophagitis (one patient). Clinical and laboratory examinations together with the operative findings allowed classification of these patients: incomplete myotomy proximally (4 patients) or distally (one patient), fibrotic scar at the site of previous myotomy (2 patients), persistence of intact muscle fibers (one patient) and reflux esophagitis for lack of an antireflux intervention during myotomy. Treatment consisted of completing myotomy proximally or distally, resection of the fibrous tissue and an antireflux operation when indicated. Clinical results were excellent in 6 patients (66.6%), fair in 2 patients (22.2%) and bad in one case (11.1%). Fair or bad results were seen in patients with total absence of motor response to deglutition. After operation there was disappearance of vigorous contractions in the esophagus, as shown by manometry and recovery of esophageal peristalsis in another patient. We conclude that in order to improve the results of the surgical treatment of motor esophageal disorders it is essential to correctly classify the type of disorder present by means of manometry and to add a partial funduplication to ensure absence of reflux without dysphagia.