Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is nowadays widely accepted as a technique with high potential for diagnosis of cancerous tissues. This study presents an example of the investigation of peritoneal metastases by FTIR microimaging. Peritoneal malignancies are generally secondary localizations of primary visceral cancers such as ovarian, stomach or colon cancers. By analysing simultaneously both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen specimens, we examined malignant and non-malignant (i.e. fibrotic and cicatricial) peritoneal lesions. Paraffin-embedded tissues were analysed without any previous dewaxing. Multivariate statistical approaches, based on the classification of infrared data by hierarchical cluster analysis, allowed the discrimination of these various samples. Microimaging also permits the revelation of the heterogeneity of the tissue: it was possible to localize precisely the cancerous areas, and to distinguish, on the basis of their spectral signatures, the peritumoral neighbouring connective tissue close to the carcinomatous areas from the connective tissue distant from the cancerous areas. These spectral differences could be useful as complementary information to study molecular changes associated with the malignancy.