A soft agar culture system was used for the cultivation of spinal cord slices with the purpose of improving the evaluation of the dynamics of axonal outgrowth and development. Slices of the spinal cord of 15-day-old fetal Wistar rats were cultured in a 0.5% agar culture medium. The sprouting and outgrowth of axons from the slices was observed at 6-24-h intervals. The morphology and growth rates of axons could be easily investigated by light microscopy. Quantification of growth parameters of individual neurites is made easy because no cells migrate out of the slices, so that the outgrowth is not masked by migrating neurons, fibroblasts, glial cells etc. The axons had well-developed growth cones, comparable to those observed in liquid medium; the daily growth rate was on average 318 microns during the 6 days of observation, with a maximum of 1050 microns per day. Back-labelling with a fluorescent dye (DiI) indicated that the longest neurites originated from motoneurons. Our experiments show that axons can develop and grow in a soft agar medium without the need for adding any growth promoting factor or substrate molecule.