Aim: In the management of the chronic complications caused by diabetes mellitus, an important role is played to andrological problematics, which require a specialistic evaluation combined in order to concretely contribute to the improvement of quality of life of such patients. The erectile disfunction in the diabetic patient notoriously correlates with the main cardiometabolics risk factors, and recently it has been pointed out how after chronic use of inhibitors of the phospodiesterase-enzyme-5 (PDE5-I) it is possible to improve the vascular response profile, evaluated through ecolor doppler (ECD) penile dynamic. The incidence of the vascular extra-genital pathology in the patients with ED of organic arterial type has also been observed, underlining in particular the correlation with a low value of the systolic peak at penile level. Little attention has been paid to other andrologic pathologies that preliminary clinic evidences or less followed research points have individuated as real emerging problems; among them there are: 1) the hypogonadism in adult age (late onset hypogonadism); 2) the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) correlated to the condition of prostatic hypertrophy; 3) the infections of the male genito-urinary tract with different characterization for imaging respect to the not diabetic population; 4) different sexual disorders; 5) implications over the male reproductive sphere.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of the clinic, laboratory (spermatic, microbiologic and hormonal), ultrasonography integrated data, led on a diabetic population examined during the last 3 years; finalized at the estimation of the distribution of the andrological pathology characterizing such population, with the comparison of the data on the basis of years of duration disease, grade of glicometabolic compensation and levels of total testosterone.
Results: ED was present in 16.36% of the examined population; 50% showed vascular arterial form; hypogonadism was present in 10% of the population. A very high prevalence of subfertility was observed 51.82%. The ultrasonographic characterization of the didimo-epididimary and prostatic-vesicular regions showed reduced testicular volume the 16.36% of cases, increase of the prostatic glandular volume in 45.45% of cases, altered thickness of the seminal vesicles in the 24.45% of cases. The microbiologic characterization evidences the contemporary positivity of the 3 prechosen indicators (spermiocolture, urinocolture, leukocytospermia) in 34.55% of patients.
Conclusions: The study has contributed to enrich the data relative to the heterogeneity of the clinic-andrological presentation of the diabetic patient.